Saturday, 3 November 2007

03/11/07 - Why I want to kill Santa

So, I was walking down the market today and I realised that they have the Christmas lights on.

Yes, Christmas lights. On the third of November. Not December. November. Isnt that bad luck in some weird superstision way?

The Goverment/PR Nazis are always going on how the phrase "Christmas Lights", or "Christmas Party", and "Christmas " can't be used because it might offend people of other faiths (And we all know they actually just mean Muslims, and possibly Catholics claiming it as blasphomy). Theres about 100 people that would take offence those phrases, and they are already planning to blow us up.

What does offend people of others faiths, and people of no faith, and even people of the faith that Christmas actually belongs to, is having to see hidious floresent bells for 2 months of year. And its topped of by a stall that has Santa that plays the tune "Its a small world". Totally off tune. All day. For the past week, and I am assuming all the way until Christmas.

So I am currently seeking a hitman that is prepared to ruin Christmas for children around the globe by taking out Santa.

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