Monday, 5 November 2007

05/11/07AM - How thinking can really mess you up.

I have a habit of thinking about things too much, and I'm a bit of a sucker for weird philosophical theories on things. Been a Matrix fan for ages, and last night I watched 23.

And its very, very weird. You can make cross overs between the two.

When looking into the 23 enigma, I realised that everything is numbers. And it something mathematics are aware of, mainly due to working with them so much. Everything is numbers, religion is all to do with numbers. Without numbers.... society cant exist. Everything you can think off will involve numbers at a very basic level.

Which gets you thinking.... computers run off numbers. The essense of computer coding is numbers. And the world we live in is seemingly constructed by numbers.

Scary aint it?

Edit: See. 23 is always there. 05 + 11 + 07 = 23.

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